Greatest tank battle videos
Greatest tank battle videos

greatest tank battle videos

When the Horus Heresy started, Fulgrim convinced the Warmaster that Ferrus may be swayed to their side, if only for the bond the two brothers had shared for aeons. When the contest ended, each Primarch was awed by the other’s creation, and so they swapped weapons to seal an eternal friendship with the craft of their hands… or so they thought. Both masterful artisans set on creating the most exquisite weaponry ever seen in the Imperium, they once competed in the forges of Terra to prove themselves the greatest craftsman. Since the times of the Great Crusade, the bond between Ferrus Manus and Fulgrim of the Emperor’s Children was well known, and surpassing the amity between any of the rest of the Primarch brothers. The Iron Hands enter the fray! Check out which other factions are coming in this expansion.

Greatest tank battle videos